MD FFA- Fired Up!

Due: Public Speaking Manuscripts, Ag Issues, Marketing Plan, Ag. Comm. Portfolios
May 15, 2025
5:00pm to 5:00pm

In order to qualify for competition at the State FFA Convention in June, the above mentioned CDE's requires a master copy of the written documentation either by:

1. Mail 5 copies and have it postmarked by May 15th to: Terrie Shank, Maryland FFA Executive Director at:

                                       P.O. Box 564 29 Frederick Road Funkstown, MD  21734-0564

2. Or scan and email the master copy to 

3.Or upload onto the Maryland FFA jotform account at: website homepage. 

It is vital that they are received by May 15th at 5 pm so that judges have time to score them as best they can prior to the competition.