MD FFA- Be Fearless!

Due: State Star Greenhand, State FFA Star Degree Applications
May 15, 2025
5:00pm to 5:00pm

Submit all Star applications to the State FFA Executive Director.

State Star Greenhand:  Each chapter can nominate their Star Greenhand for consideration of the award.  The application can be found on under Awards Tab. Each chapter Star Greenhand will receive a new FFA jacket and tie/scarf (if requested)  The Chapter Star Greenhand applications will be reviewed and grouped by Regions.  One student from each region (5 total) will be selected as the Regional Star Greenhand.  The Regional Star Greenhand will be recognized on stage at the State convention, receive an award plaque and $250 to cover their cost for attending the convention (reimbursed to their chapter).  From the 5 Regional Star Greenhands, one will be selected as the State Star Greenhand.  That student will receive additional recognition award and an additional $500 to be used in attending the Washington Leadership Conference or National FFA Convention.  This award is made possible through the Elmer Cooper Endowment and Mrs. Dolly Cooper as a special project of the Maryland FFA Foundation. 

State FFA Degree application is found through the website:  To be considered for a State Star FFA Award, please designate the area to be considered on the State FFA Degree Application.  Also include the "Star Application" form from AET that will allow you to include supplemental materials.  The advisor's statement can be typed in a word document, signed by the advisor and attached to the printed application.