MD FFA- Fired Up!

DUE: State Land Judging Registration
Oct 01, 2024
5:00pm to 5:00pm
Submit names of team members and any individuals who wish to compete through the Jotform link on the homepage of the website.  
Members competing- Advisor desginates the four team members representing the chapter. Others are individuals. 
Registration starts at 8:30 am followed by a practice pit at 9-9:45 am and the event starting at 10 am.
Students must dress for the weather as the event goes rain or shine (unless there is lightening). 
They should also bring with them a clipboard, basic calculator (not a cell phone), pencils, their lunch and drink.
They may bring a towel to wipe their hands.
The Land judging guidebook is located on the Oklahoma Land Judging Website along with copies of the scan sheets. Here is the link: 
Materials for the event: The student can bring blank paper.  Scantrons will be provided.  Both Land and Homesite Evaluation is ccompleted.  Each pit has screwdrivers, paper towels, spray bottles and a tape along the face of the soil profile.  Students can bring their own screwdrivers and hand towels. 
The MD Association of Soil Conservation Districts provide a $100 cash award to the student with the top combined scores in Land and Homesite, $75 to second place and $50 to third place. 
The top 10 students in each area receive a CDE award pin.  The individuals on the top two teams also receive plaques.
The members of the top team in Land Judging has the opportunity to represent Maryland at the National Land Judging event in Oklahoma in May.  The first place team will be sponsored to participate in the National event in Oklahoma. The National event is open to up to 5 teams/state, Mayland only financially supports one team.